.. _install: ============ Installation ============ This page will guide you through installing Quails and its dependencies on a unix-based operating system. Quails currently only supports python 2.7.6. The next iteration will automatically install all dependencies. These instructions have been used to install Quails on a fresh Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS. If you run into any errors during the process, please send me an email at ``leblanc at drexel dot edu``. View the git project at :: https://github.com/el9335/QUAILS_1.0 Download the project from your terminal using :: git clone https://github.com/el9335/QUAILS_1.0 See step 9 below for command to install git if necessary. Steps to install dependencies ============================= Perform these operations in the QUAILS_1.0 directory after cloning the repository. One of the dependencies requires Java, so if it is not already installed on your machine, install using the following: :: sudo apt-get install default-jre- 1. Install pip :: sudo apt-get install python-pip 2. Install python-dev :: sudo apt-get install python-dev 3. Install Python's ConfigParser :: sudo pip install configparser 4. Install the Python Requests library :: sudo pip install requests 5. Install the Flask RESTful server library :: sudo pip install flask 6. Install Natural Language ToolKit :: sudo pip install nltk 7. From the command line open a Python interpreter instance and enter the following lines: :: import nltk nltk.download('all') Something in the nltk download script causes it to fail, so if/when it happens, just exit the interpreter. The next version will include a workaround to shield the user from this issue. 8. Install pexpect, unidecod, and jsonrpclib, all required to run the Stanford Core libraries. :: sudo pip install pexpect unidecode jsonrpclib 9. Install git (if not already installed) :: sudo apt-get install git 10. Install the corenlp-python library :: git clone https://bitbucket.org/torotoki/corenlp-python.git cd corenlp-python.git sudo python setup.py install 11. Install the Stanford Core NLP Jars (``sudo apt-get install wget`` if not already installed) :: wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-core-nlp-full-2014-08-27.zip unzip stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27.zip You may need to install unzip depending on the machine you are installing on. :: sudo apt-get install unzip 12. Install numpy, scipy, and sklearn :: sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy sudo pip install scikit-learn 13. Install whoosh text indexer for Python :: sudo pip install whoosh 14. Start the server :: python serv.py 15. Refer to the Asking a Question section of this documentation to continue working with quails.